Essence of Beer

Set: bottle with carafe

from 230,00  incl. VAT & plus shipping

From just drinking beer to an event: celebrate the new beer culture!

An Eisbock has always been something special. With the Essence Of Beer, you bring this tradition into the center of a social gathering. The beer in the bottle has turned to ice after a day in the freezer. The expulsion of the Eisbock from the ice block is an experience that is gladly celebrated in company. The taste of the Eisbock, almost reminiscent of a liqueur, will make your taste dance!

The Essence presents the beers in a completely new intensity, yet the character of the base beer remains clearly recognizable. As a digestive, your Eisbock is a worthy conclusion to a convivial and tasty evening with friends.

We offer the essence in 3 different sizes: 0.75 liters, 1.5 liters and 3 liters. Each bottle has its matching carafe in the set, and we have built the bottles in that way, that the small bottle also fits on the large carafe and vice versa.
With the small essence, depending on the beer and freezing temperature, you can make around 100 to 150 ml of Eisbock. With the larger ones accordingly more.

The Essence have to be frozen standing up, so you need a freezer with a height of about 20 or 35 cm.

TIP: Try also an sparkling wine from the essence. The intensity will inspire you!

The products are handmade in Germany. Therefore, there may be deviations in the dimensions.


Weight 2,5 kg
Dimensions 25 × 11 × 11 cm

Large, Medium, Small

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